
Te paninga tawerewere konutea kore-chrome

I whakairihia ki runga 2018-08-01Ko te ahua o te chrome-free zinc flake coating he matt silver grey, e whakamahia whanuitia ana i roto i nga miihini miihini me etahi atu umanga, a he painga e whai ake nei:


1. Ko te paninga he kore-paitini me te taiao


2. He kikokore te paninga, ko te tikanga 8-10μm tona matotoru.


3. Karekau he raruraru hauwai


4. He pai te aukati ki nga whakarewa pararopi


5. He pai te wera o te wera


6. Te aukati waikura, te wa rehu tote roa


7. He tukanga ngawari


Ko te whakakikorua o te konutea-kore-kore e whakamahia ana e te tikanga impregnation—centrifugation, spray or dip—drain—centrifugation coating processing to get different coatings by adjusting the process parameters of the coating process.

Wā tuku: Hānuere-13-2022